3 min read

Ugly Love: Summary

Everything you need to know about Colleen Hoover's Ugly Love, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
Ugly Love is a story about an unlikely romance between Tate, a young woman who is afraid of love and commitment, and Miles, a pilot who has a tragic past. Tate is determined to keep their relationship strictly physical, but Miles gradually breaks down her walls by showing her the power of true love. Through their journey together, they discover that sometimes even the most painful parts of life can lead to beauty and happiness.

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What is Ugly Love about?

Ugly Love is a young adult novel by Colleen Hoover. It tells the story of Miles and Tate, two people who have been deeply hurt by their pasts and struggle to open up and connect with each other. The book deals with themes of healing, acceptance, communication, understanding, and love. Through the course of their relationship, Miles and Tate learn to open up to one another and confront their fears of being hurt again. In doing so, they discover a deep connection that ultimately allows them to find happiness together.

Ugly Love: Book Club Questions

  1. How did the love story between Tate and Miles evolve over the course of the novel?
  2. How do you think the characters of Cora and Rachel changed after learning about each other?
  3. What do you think was Tate’s biggest internal struggle throughout Ugly Love?
  4. What themes and motifs are present in Ugly Love?
  5. What symbolism can be found in Ugly Love?
  6. How does Ugly Love explore the concept of family and relationships?
  7. How does the setting of Ugly Love influence the plot?
  8. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of Ugly Love as a romance novel?
  9. Do you think Tate's ultimate decision was justified, or should she have chosen differently?
  10. How did Ugly Love challenge your own views on love and relationships?

What to say about Ugly Love

  • Ugly Love is an incredibly impactful story that highlights the complexities of relationships and how they can both heal and hurt.
  • The characters in Ugly Love are incredibly well-developed and memorable, each with their own distinct voices.
  • I found Ugly Love to be a captivating exploration of love, loss, and the power of resilience.
  • Ugly Love is a story about growth, as each character learns and changes throughout the novel.
  • The way that author Colleen Hoover uses imagery to bring Ugly Love to life is remarkable.
  • There's a raw emotional intensity to Ugly Love that really resonated with me as a reader.
  • The concept of "ugly love" is integral to the plot of this book, as readers get to explore what it means to truly love someone despite the messiness of life.
  • Ugly Love tackles some difficult topics with grace and insight while still managing to remain compelling and entertaining.
  • The romance in Ugly Love is incredibly powerful and full of subtle nuances that make it believable and relatable.
  • The ending of Ugly Love felt satisfying yet bittersweet, leaving readers with plenty to think about long after they finish reading the book.

Top 5 Quotes from Ugly Love

  1. "Sometimes it's better to be alone, nobody can hurt you that way."
  2. "The scariest thing about distance is you don't know if they'll miss you or forget you."
  3. "You don't get to choose who you fall in love with, it just happens."
  4. "Love is never supposed to be easy. It's full of compromises and fear and guilt and tears and secrets and pain."
  5. "But I still want someone to love me even when I'm not trying."

Adaptations of Ugly Love

1. Ugly Love (2020) – A feature film adaptation of Colleen Hoover's novel starring Nick Robinson and Alice Eve. 2. Ugly Love (TV Series) – A forthcoming TV series based on the novel, set to air in 2021. 3. Ugly Love Radio Show – A weekly podcast hosted by author Colleen Hoover which features interviews with authors, book discussions, and more. 4. Ugly Love: The Musical – A stage adaptation of the novel that debuted at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2017.

Other books by Colleen Hoover

  • Hopeless
  • Maybe Someday
  • Slammed
  • Point of Retreat
  • This Girl
  • Losing Hope
  • Finding Cinderella
  • Confess
  • November 9
  • It Ends with Us
  • Without Merit
  • All Your Perfects

Did you know?


Ugly Love was a New York Times bestseller and was named one of the top books of 2014 by Amazon.